Faculty and Staff
Faculty and research staff with diverse backgrounds make up the core ViSiDeL research group. These include faculty from different disciplines of Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science among others.
Nana-Ama Acquah
Researcher / DDEP Office Manager
Dual Degree Engineering - Biology/ Biomedical Engineering
James Whitfield
Technology and Sustainable Research Engineeer / Full Stack Web Developer
Dual Degree Engineering
The heart of the ViSiDeL group is its active student participants. They include both graduate and undergraduate students from different disciplines.
Kassidi Auld
Student Researcher
Dual Degree Engineering - Computer Engineering & Computer Science
Class of 2026
Sekani Burke
Student Researcher
Dual Degree Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering / Computer Science)
Class of 2027
Dylan Smalls
Student Researcher
Dual Degree Engineering - Computer Engineering / Computer Science
Class of 2027
Dillon Stidwell
Student Researcher
Dual Degree Engineering - Physics/Electrical Engineering
Class of 2028
Elycia Wright
Student Researcher
Dual Degree Engineering- Architectural Engineering/ Physics
Class of 2026
Legacy Members
The ViSiDeL is proud of its history and those who helped to craft it over the decades of operation. Below are previous members who played essential roles in defining the ViSiDeL legacy.
Bisi Adebo
Webmaster/Technical Support
Eric Brittain
Virtual Reality
Robyn Clayton
Modeling/Director of VIL
Rachae'l Franklin
Lakeitha Gilbert
Research Engineer
Dr. Lance Kaplan
Assoc. Director/SIP
Cyril Okhio
Assoc. Dir./Industrial Relations
Leon Thomas
Student Researcher